
2020-12-09 08:54:10 +0000
2020, Dec 09    

Week 46

Goals of the week(s)

Pratical and learning goals for the period is as follows

Practical goals

  • (ingen)

Learning goals

  • explain how the HTTP protocol works
  • explain the practical differences between HTTP and HTTPS
  • explain the infrastructure needed to use HTTPS


  • Small files, see exercises


Below is the tentative schedule, which may be changed depending on input from the students.


Time Activity
8:15 Vi er på skolen (med mundbind)
  - hjemmeside opdatering!!
  - Kryptering er på programmet i dag…
10:00 You work, and MON is mostly available on element and a bit on-call
12:30 Meet up again?

Todays material is on the companion site

Feel free to add more files than the ones mentioned in the exercises, but the names of the specific files must be the same for scripting reasons.

Hands-on time

Exercises part 1 - HTTP protokol

The material is here

  1. Se på materialet om HTTP. Noter nøgleordene.

  2. Do the exercise about Initial browser connection

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex01.md

Exercises part 2 - web clients

The material is here

  1. Do the exercise about Fetching on the command line

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex02.md

  2. Do the exercise about Inspecting HTTP traffic

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex03.md

  3. Do the exercise about Inspect in you own browser

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex04.md

Exercises part 3 - HTTPS protokol og kryptering

The material is here

  1. Se på materialet om HTTPS. Tag noter undervejs.

  2. Do the exercise about Symmetric encryption

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex05.md

  3. Do the exercise about Symmetric encryption

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex06.md

  4. Do the exercise about Asymmetric encryption

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex07.md

  5. Do the exercise about HTTPS and certificates

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex08.md

  6. Do the exercise about Fetching HTTPS on the command line

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex09.md

  7. Do the exercise about HTTPS and wireshark

    Upload result to a markdown file called ww46/ex10.md


  • (ingen pt)