HTTP protocol

HTTP basic concepts

The internet is overflowing with relevant resources

Key takeaways:

  • We send requests, and receive responses.
  • Requests use methods: GET, PUT, POST, etc.
  • There are a lot of info in the headers, both in request and reponse.
  • There are return codes, e.g. 200 "OK", 302 "redirect", 404 "not found" and (way) more.

Previously, we have not touched upon TCP which most HTTP traffic uses. For our purposes, TCP is the layer 4 protocol that handles the connection between client and the server, and ensure that all packages arrive and are in order.

Default for HTTP traffic is TCP port 80 and default for HTTPS is TCP port 443. The port number may be seen as the identifier for which program on the server to connect to.

Initial browser connection (30 min)

  1. Start the Kali VM
  2. Start wireshark
  3. In a browser go to

    Note: Even though it is called, "ftp" dot something, that is just the name of the server, and the http:// determines the protocol to use.

    Note 2: This is the debian package repository for downloading program using apt. That communication is plain-text is a pricavy issue, not a security issue, since each package i signed and a lot of security is implemented that way.

  4. Refind the packets in wireshark.

    Relevant display filters are tcp.port == 80 or http.

    Or find DNS traffic to find the IP address of that is used, and filter on that using ip.addr

  5. Compare what you see in the browser with what you see in wireshark.

    In wireshark, there is an option for following streams, notably in this context "follow TCP" and "follow HTTP stream".

    Use the latter to avoid looking at compessed content.

  6. Write your conclusions, ie. which methods used, return codes, the number of requests, content, and if there are anything else you notice.