The aim for this site is to be a collection of resources for students that want to learn basic networking.
The goal is for the student to have operational understanding and skills in relation to networking. Theory will be minimal, and hands-on is emphasized.
Getting to know the basic concepts and tools.
Concepts: Switches, routers, IP, frame, ethernet, subnet, netmask, ISO
Skills: use vmware wrkstation
(install, start VM), draw network diagrams
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OSI model and packets
Going through the OSI model, and use Wireshark to see the data on the wire.
Concepts: OSI model, layers, packets, sniffing traffic
Skills: use wireshark
, use ping
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Layer 3: IP, routers and routing
IP adresses are used for routing, and to get beyond the local subnet.
Concepts: IP addresses, gateways, NAT, routing
Skills: Simple linux CLI, draw network diagrams, use wireshark
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Virtualized networks
Using VMware workstation or similar virtualization software gives options as to how a virtual machine is connected to both physical and virtual networks.
Concepts: virtual networks, virtual machines, routing, IP, NAT, bridging
Skills: Use VMware workstation
(setup networks, import .ova), troubleshoot, use wireshark
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More routing
Routing using virtual machines in vmware workstation
Concepts: IP, virtual machines, network layout
Skills: Use VMware workstation
(Importing VMs, creating vmnets, connecting VMs to vmnets,), use wireshark
, draw diagrams
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Domain name system
DNS is the mechanism that translates from domain names to IP adresses.
Concepts: IP, domain names, DNS protocol (RFC1034 and RFC1035), DNS record, DNS server infrastructure
Skills: Use dig
, use wireshark
, simple Linux CLI
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HTTP (and HTTPS) is the protocol users see the most. It is the one used to "surf" the web. It is increasingly used for backend systems also.
Concepts: IP/domain names, HTTP protocol (RFC7231), HTTPS, web server and clients, symmetric and asymmetric encryption, certificates, TLS, AES
Skills: Use wget
, use wireshark
, simple Linux CLI
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Designing networks
Designing a network from scratch is a good way of training the routing and physical layer understanding.
Keywords: IP, subnets, routers, network hardware, tunnels
Skills: Design networks/topologies, troubleshoot networks errors, draw diagrams
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The is a build-in structure of the internet.
Keywords: Public and private IPs, autonomous systems (AS), BGP, IANA, RIPE, regional internet registries (RIR), ISP, looking glass, prefix/network address, routes
Skills: Use traceroute
, use whois
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In this part, we wrap up the material covered and ties it together.
Keywords: IP, gateway, web proxy, dns server, virtualization, virtual networks, DNS traffic, HTTP/S traffic
Skills: Import virtual machines, troubleshooting, linux cli, static ip, inspection in browser, use wireshark
, use dig
, simple linux CLI, draw network diagrams
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We have included some bonus stuff that may of relevance.
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