Drawing with a wacom tablet

2021, Nov 17    

I make schematics and simple draings using my wacom tablet.

As software, I currently use Krita.

And as drawing tool, I have my trusted Wacom Intuos Pen & Touch tablet (model CTH-690). It worls out-of-the-box on my Debian systems.


It is a 16:9 tablet and that ratio fit one screen, so in my two-monitor setup, I has to be limited to one monitor only.

It is a common problem.

The process:

  1. Find the monitor to limit to: xrandr (“HDMI-1 in my case)
  2. Find the wacom controls to map: xinput | grep -i Wacom (Ids 16, 17 and 18 in my case)

    Note that you might need to install xinput

  3. Do the mapping: for ID in $IDS; do xinput map-to-output $ID $MONITOR; done

    For my setup: for ID in 16 17 18; do xinput map-to-input $ID HDMI-1; done

    Please note that the ID values may change.

  4. Redo after reboot.