PDF project
2019, Jun 08
I have been working on PDF generation from markdown for a while.
The usage guide is here
The current status for the system:
- We have a docker image to use with gitlab-ci to avoid downloading and installing stuff everytime. Since we use LateX, it is around 1GB of stuff to install, so it takes time that we want to avoid. Docker run from
- it is currently autoupdated every month. - The docker image comes in multiple flavours, see the project readme
- The actual template is avaible here. Check the readme
It works and gives us nice UCL templated PDF documents.
Using submodules are a bad design decision. It will be changed to some downloadable .tz file at some point. Submodules is cumbersome and not userfriendly for most people.We now have releases and it requires download of two tgz-files. - We have one template for UCL and no easy way of adding and seleting others.
- The LateX template is an
class with lots of stuff in the file. The proper LateX solution is to make our own class. That would solve the issue of how to select other templates. - We also want the internal date in the PDFs to be the date of the last commit