OBS and fake webcam

Using webapps and other programs to do video and video conferencing, we would like to...

1 minute read

Raspberry and particle

I have made a system for generating rasperry pi images using gitlab ci. It is...

1 minute read

Brave browser and BAT

I have long been considering how micropayments could affect ur way of using the internet,...

1 minute read


Linting exists for python also, and I have added pylint to some of my projects....

1 minute read

Gitlab CI locales and encodings

When running stuff using gilab CI, sometimes your run into issues related to different environments....

1 minute read

KVM speed test

Some time ago I made a recursive speed test for testing nested KVM virtualization. Using...

1 minute read

Gitlab releases

I have set up gitlab releases previously as part of the PDF generation project. The...

1 minute read


Currently working on using packer to generate base debian buster image and openbsd. We worked...

1 minute read