My tech week 2024 ww23

2024, Jun 01    

Notes from this week

Setup proxmox

I did a test installation of Proxmox on an old laptop.

That was a simple out-of-the-box experience while following the installation guide. Download ISO, install and configure.

Then you have proxmox installed, and then the difficult part starts. I have to figure out how to set up vlans and multiple storage pools.

RDP copy’n’paste

RDP suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason.

I found a lot of guide about how to enable copy’n’paste, but my case was about something that used to work and now doesn’t.

The solution is to restart RDP clipboard monitor process

  1. Go to tasks manager
  2. locate “RDP Clipboard Monitor” and terminate it
  3. Run task “rdpclip.exe” to restart it

Cf. RDParena youtube video