git pre-commit

2019, Oct 16    

In my ansible inventory I have files with passwords them, and I use ansible-vault to protect it.

The issue is when I accidentally commit a non-vaulted file.

The solution is to add pre-commit hooks in git. There are two solutions; one is to have a separate repo for hooks, and the other is to have is a part of the repo to use pre-commit. We go for the second solution.

In this example, we use the directory .git-hooks under version control. The dvelopper will need to issue git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks or create symlinks after cloning.

Quick guide


  • We only look at password files
  • Password files are called passwords.yml
  • Vault secret is located in a file called vault-password.

    Which is either in .gitignore file or in a different directory, so we don’t accidentally add it to the repo.

The process

  1. Create a file called .git-hooks/pre-commit, with the following content
  1. make it executable: chmod +x .git-hooks/pre-commit.

  2. set the repo to use hooks from the new location: git config core.hooksPath .git-hooks

Updates 2020-07-01: pre-commit hook updates for speed.