Exposing a server ==========================0

Using digital ocean, we will spin up a VM that is accessible from the internet, and see what is received from the internet.

Spin up a droplet

  1. Sign in to Digital ocean

    • Either signup using using my affiliate link, og directly on digitalocean.com.
  2. Create droplet by clicking the "create" button and select "Droplets". It will take you here

  3. Select

    • Distribution: Debian 11
    • Basic plan
    • Regular with ssd
    • Select the cheapest option ($5/month)
    • No extra block storage
    • Select region of your liking, e.g. Amsterdam
    • Default VPNC network (unused in this exercise)
    • Select SSH key for Authentication

      • Passwords should not even be considered an option.
      • create a key, if you don't already have one.
    • No additional options

    • 1 droplet only
    • set a hostname if yo ulike
    • no tags needed
    • "Create droplet"
  4. Go to "droplets" in the navigator to the left

  5. Copy the IP address of the new droplet

  6. use ssh root@<ip> to acces the new droplet.

Try ip a, ping, traceroute and such to get a feel for the environment.

lookup at traffic

  1. Issue an ss -antp on the VM

  2. Make a note of the IP address you connect from

  3. Start tcpdump: tcpdump -n -i eth0 host not <ip>

    • the extra filter is to avoid seeing our own SSH traffic.
  4. Look at the traffic.

    • what leaves?
    • what comes in?
    • Any unsolicited?


Depending on the system, you may have a lot of ssh brute force attacks.

It is seen by either in tcpdump by the amount of connections to port 22, og by looking into /var/log/auth.log

A failed login attempt - Invalid user:

Apr 19 12:17:12 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[1075]: Invalid user cirros from port 15889
Apr 19 12:17:12 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[1075]: Received disconnect from port 15889:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Apr 19 12:17:12 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[1075]: Disconnected from invalid user cirros port 15889 [preauth]

Login failed of known user. Probably trying a password on a keys-only login.

Apr 19 12:16:18 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[1024]: Received disconnect from port 36477:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Apr 19 12:16:18 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[1024]: Disconnected from authenticating user root port 36477 [preauth]

Failed login user after a couple of hours

cat /var/log/auth.log | grep "Invalid user" | cut -d ' ' -f8 | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ','

Note that "root" is not in the list, since it is a valid user on the system.

This matches a top-10 list from 2010.

Failing to establish key exchange

Apr 19 12:15:39 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[994]: Unable to negotiate with port 42524: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 [preauth]

Notice the -sha1. That should not be used anymore. See RFC9142 for details.

We are running debian/bullseyes and default behavior is to disable old key exchanges.

For reference, a successful login looks like this

Apr 19 12:45:20 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[1211]: Accepted publickey for root from <my ip> port 36255 ssh2: ED25519 SHA256:<my pub fingerprint>
Apr 19 12:45:20 netsec-ssh-test-fra sshd[1211]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by (uid=0)