Updating ip adresses in OpenBSD

For our purposes, the relevant files are called /etc/hostname.em1 and /etc/hostname.em2.

The official doc are here and the faq

Note that the default keyboard in the terminal is US.

  1. log in to the router

    Username: root, password: root123

  2. Install nano (a text editor), using pkg_add nano

  3. Use nano /etc/hostname.em1 and update ip address (and perhaps) netmask.

    This is the second interface, where the first em0 is the upload and uses dhcp.

    Ignore the comments on the first line.

  4. Use nano /etc/hostname.em2 and update ip address (and perhaps) netmask.

    This is the third interface

  5. Apply the changes, using sh /etc/netstart

  6. Test that it works by pinging internal and external addresses.