DNS tools
Since DNS is so fundamental, there are a lot of tools available. We will focus mostly on dig
dig server (20 min)
dig google.com
Read the output and explain what is seen
dig www.google.com
Read the output and explain what is seen
dig drive.google.com
Read the output and explain what is seen
dig meet.google.com
Read the output and explain what is seen
Explain the differences
dig reverse (15 min)
dig google.com
Read the output and verify that it is as expected.
dig -x <ip>
, where<ip>
is the ip address found in the step above.Read the output and explain what is seen
Explain what the two domains are not the same
ping -c1 google.com
Read the output, explain what is seen, and verify that it is as expected.
dig +trace (15 in)
The tool dig
has an option for tracing the DNS requests needed to look up a name.
dig www.gitlab.com
Read the output and explain what is seen
dig +trace www.gitlab.com
Read the output and explain what is seen
are security related and may be ignored for now.
dig records (20 min)
dig google.com
Read the output and verify that it is as expected.
dig google.com A
Read the output and verify that it is as expected.
dig google.com MX
Read the output and explain what is seen.
dig google.com NS
Read the output and explain what is seen.
dns and wireshark (20 min)
Run wireshark and start capture on the uplink interface
The uplink interface is the one that has the connection to the internet.
Check the wireshark filter reference for how to filter DNS queries
In a terminal, run
dig google.com
Stop the capture and refind the packages
Verify that the packages show the same as the output in the terminal.