
Virtualization is everywhere these days, and in this course, you will be presented with virtual machines to use in exercises.

Your words on virtualization

Using a variation on the Feynman technique, work with the topic of "Virtualization".

  1. Write ½ page about "Virtualization"
  2. Highlight 5 places in your text where you feel the weakest
  3. Research the 5 topics

    Make a list of the 5 topics, add relevant links and 1-2 sentences of clarifying comments.

  4. (Optional) Reiterate 1-3

    Time will probably not allow for multiple iterations.

  5. Put the topics, links and comments in a shared document.

Install Vmware workstation

Install VM ware workstation. This will be used for exercises later in the course.

  1. Download and install the evaluation version. See here

Run Kali Live

  1. Download the Kali linux .iso file from here

    Unless you have non-standard hardware, you want the "Kali linux 64-Bit (Live)"

  2. (While downloading) Research what "live" means in this context.

    Make notes of relevant links.

  3. Make a drawing of what virtual hardwar that is needed to use a VM and access the network.

    To make nice looking computer drawn diagram, a suggestions is to use yEd. A video about it here

  4. Create a new virtual machine and use the iso file as "CDROM".

    See e.g. this question and this about .iso files.

  5. Start a terminal inside the Kali box, and post a screenshot of traceroute

    If you know, please explain what is shown.

A video going through this exercise is available here