Ansible users

2019, Sep 24    

My default way of handling users are described below. We don’t use sudo, and mostly use Debian for servers and workstations.

In group_vars/all/all.yml, we keep the default values

# default system users
user_name: sysuser
user_pub_key_file: "{{ inventory_dir }}/pub_keys/{{ user_name }}"
root_user: root

ansible_user: "{{ user_name }}"
ansible_become_pass: "{{ root_pass }}"
ansible_become_user: "{{ root_user }}"
ansible_become_method: "su"

For each host we have host_vars/<hostname>/passwords.yml

root_pass: ThePasswordForTheRootUser
user_pass: ThePasswordForTheAdmUser

Remember to put this file in the vault.

and in public_keys (in parallel with host_vars and group_vars), there is a file called e.g. containing the public key to be associated to the non-privileged system user.