2020-12-09 08:54:10 +0000Week 49
Goals of the week(s)
Pratical and learning goals for the period is as follows
Practical goals
- Consolidation…
Learning goals
- use networking knowledge to troubleshoot
- configure networks
- trace HTTP and DNS using network tools
- Small files, see exercises
Below is the tentative schedule, which may be changed depending on input from the students.
Time | Activity |
8:15 | Vi er online på zoom |
10:00 | You work, and MON is mostly available on element and a bit on-call |
12:30 | Meet up again? |
Todays material is on the companion site
Feel free to add more files than the ones mentioned in the exercises, but the names of the specific files must be the same for scripting reasons.
Hands-on time
Det meste i dag burde være velkendt.
Hvis der er problemer, så sig til, så kan det være at vi skal finde lidt mere baggrundsmateriale. Og snart, da I skal til at læse op på tingene.
Exercises part 1 - Setup
The material is here
Do the exercise about “Installation”
Upload result to a markdown file called
Exercises part 2 - DNS and HTTP
The material is here
Do the exercise about “DNS”
Upload result to a markdown file called
Do the exercise bout “web proxy”
Upload result to a markdown file called
- (ingen pt)