
2020-12-09 08:54:10 +0000
2020, Dec 09    

Week 43

Goals of the week(s)

Pratical and learning goals for the period is as follows

Practical goals

  • Vi kan lave online undervisning, og snakke sammen

Learning goals

  • Den studerende kan forklare og bruge de forskellige muligheder for vmware workstation netværk.
  • Den studerende kan begrunde valget af en given netværksforbindelse.


  • Small files, see exercises


Below is the tentative schedule, which may be changed depending on input from the students.


Time Activity
8:15 Vi er online på zoom
  Zoom video fra morgen
  - Online kommunikation….
  - Opgaver fra sidst
10:00 You work, and MON is mostly available on element
  while you work, MON will look through old exercises and fix the bad one for today
12:30 Meet up again
  zoom video fra eftermiddag

Todays material is on the companion site

Feel free to add more files than the ones mentioned in the exercises, but the names of the specific files must be the same for scripting reasons.

Hands-on time

Exercise 1 - Networks in vmware

Go here

  1. Do the exercise on vmware and networks

  2. Upload result to a markdown file called ww43/ex01.md

Exercise 2 - NAT network

Go here

Ja, der er en tidligere opgave der ligner den til forveksling. Øv Jer i diagrammer, netværks konfiguration og wireshark.

Som efterspurgt, er der tilføjet lidt links til den første opgave med wiresshark.

  1. Do the exercise on NAT network

    Hvordan viser man at man NAT’er?

  2. Upload result to a markdown file called ww43/ex02.md

Exercise 3 - bridging

Go here

  1. Do the bridging exercise on

  2. Upload results as ww43/ex03.md

Exercise 4 - bridging i nvmware

  1. Lav opgaven om bridging in vmware

    Hvordan viser man at man bridge’er?

  2. Upload resultat som ww43/ex04.md

Exercise 5 - Host only

Go here

  1. Lav opgaven om Host only i vmware

  2. Upload resultat som ww43/ex05.md

Exercise 6 - Routing in Kali

  1. Do the exercise on routing in Kali

  2. Upload results as ww43/ex06.md
