
2020-12-09 08:54:10 +0000
2020, Dec 09    

Week 41

Goals of the week(s)

Pratical and learning goals for the period is as follows

Practical goals

  • none

Learning goals

  • Bsic understanding of IP addresses
  • Basic IP address and route literacy


  • Small files, see exercises


Below is the tentative schedule, which may be changed depending on input from the students.


Time Activity
8:15 Fra sidst
  - Online kommunikation. Det er vist svært…
  - Opgaver fra sidst
10:00 You work, and MON is mostly available on element
11:00? Meet up again?
12:15 MON unavailable

Todays material is on the companion site

Feel free to add more files than the ones mentioned in the exercises, but the names of the specific files must be the same for scripting reasons.

Hands-on time

Exercise 0- RFC

  1. What are RFCs?

    Search online and find some good answers.

  2. Write 2-3 lines about it, and add a relevant link.

  3. Upload result to a markdown file called ww41/ex00.md

Exercise 1 - Subnets

  1. Read the section about ipv4

  2. Do the exercise on subnets

  3. Upload results as ww41/ex01.md

Exercise 2 - DHCP

  1. Read up on dynamic IPs.

    Complement with relevant ressources online, as applicable.

  2. Do the exercise on sniffing DHCP traffic

  3. Upload results as ww41/ex02.md

Exercise 3 - Static IPs

  1. Read up on static IPs.

  2. Do the exercise on setting static IP address

  3. Upload results as ww41/ex03.md

Exercise 4 - Static vs. dynamic

  1. Describe 2-3 scenarios where dynamic IP adresses are applicable.

  2. Describe 2-3 scenarios where static IP are applicable.

  3. Upload result to ww41/ex04.md

Exercise 5 - Routing

  1. Read the section about ipv4

  2. Make a network diagram of your Kali setup.

    This include interfaces, IP addresses, netmasks on both the host, the VM and the vmware virtual router used as gateway.

  3. Upload results as ww41/ex05.png

Exercise 6 - Routing in Kali

  1. Do the exercise on routing in Kali

  2. Upload results as ww41/ex06.md

Exercise 7 - Routing on host

  1. Do the exercise on routing on host

  2. Upload results as ww41/ex07.md

Exercise 5 - Routing

  1. Read the section about ipv4
  2. Do the exercise on wireshar and NAT
  3. Upload results as ww41/ex08.md


  • (none atm)